Events for April


Events for May


For ALL events, whether it is a Birthday, Wedding, Sporting Event, etc., thank you for choosing to spend them with us at our Harmony Baptist Church Facility.

*Please check the calendar on the website to ensure your event date is available prior to submitting your request*

1.  Please complete the form below, in full.

2.  Keep your reservation to NO MORE than 2 hours weekly.

3.  Be aware that Harmony Baptist Church events have priority and may preempt any previously scheduled events of outside organizations.

4.  All requests must be submitted at least two full weeks prior to need. Please allow a minimum of 3 business days for notification of facility usage. 

5.  Only the requests that are submitted within this time frame will be considered for approval.  Please avoid commitments and announcements prior to receiving confirmation of approval of your request.

6.  Please be mindful and courteous of our facility.  Pick up ALL decorations, clean area thoroughly, empty all trash receptacles and place trash in the dumpster located behind the family life center.

7.  *OUTSIDE ORGANIZATIONS must provide Proof of Insurance Certificate showing liability coverage and that Harmony Baptist Church will not be held liable, before request to reserve any Church Facility. 

8.  *OUTSIDE ORGANIZATIONS are limited to request to reserve a Church Facility NO MORE than six months ahead of reservation start date.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the church office at (423) 348-7635 or by email at

*Donations made to Harmony Baptist Church are appreciated.